This is Mums that she passed on. Supa easy to make and a hit with family and friends. Have people coming over… impress them with your baking skills. There is nothing quite like the smell of baking bread… and a great way to keep the grocery budget down xx

No Knead Bread
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 tablespoon dried yeast
- 2 cups of boiling water
- 2 cups of cool water from the tap is fine or milk
- 4 cups plain flour
- 4 cups wholemeal
- 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds optional
- 3 teaspoons salt
- In large bowl add honey and boiling water
- Stir to dissolve honey, add 2 cups of cool water or milk and sprinkle over the yeast
- Leave for 10 mins, then whisk gently
- Add flours, sunflower seeds and salt, mix together well
- Place in 2 greased loaf tins
- Put in cold oven turn to 100 C and bake for 30 mins, then turn oven up to 180 C and bake for 50 mins to 1 hour (if using fan bake reduce the heat to 160-170 C)
- When cooked, the loaves will sound hollow when tapped. Turn out of the tins while still hot and leave to cool.
This bread keeps well and toasts well
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