Why Should I Make My Own?
If you’ve never made your own granola before, give it a try… Granola is one of the easiest things to make and the possible variations are endless… it will save you money and is a great snack, I love having a bowl in the afternoon for a quick pick me up.
This recipe is great for a base to start from you can add different ingredients, such as dried cranberries, coconut or remove ingredients you’re not keen on 🙂

Easy Homemade Granola
This is a supa easy and cost effective Granola recipe and it is a staple in our house.
- 700 grams Rolled Oast old-fashioned (not instant)
- 75 grams Whole raw almonds (1/2 cup) – roughly chop in preferedd Optional – I don't add them as I use Almond milk
- 75 grams Raw sunflower seeds (1/4 cup) You can add more
- 75 grams Raw pumpkin seeds (1/4 cup) You can add more
- 40 grams Sesame seeds Optonal – I only add these sometimes
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 50 grams Water (1/4 cup)
- 150 grams honey
- 20 grams coconut oil (2 tablespoons) I have made it without oil and just fine
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 1 cup dried fruits cranberries, cherries, apricots, dates, figs, and/or raisins (optional)
- Preheat oven to 170 degrees C and place rack in the center of the oven. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- In a large saucepan, add water, honey, coconut oil and vanilla extract, stir till honey is melted.
- Add rolled oats, seeds, ground cinnamon, and salt. Toss together, making sure all the dry ingredients are coated with the liquid. Spread onto the prepared baking sheet and bake for about 15 – 25 minutes (depends on how hot your oven is) or until golden brown, stirring occasionally ( I stir it around every 5 to 10 mins) so the mixture browns evenly. Once lightly golden brown. Turn oven off and leave overnight in the oven. The browner the granola gets (without burning) the crunchier the granola will be.
- Make sure to break up any large clumps of granola while the mixture is still warm. Once the granola has completely cooled, store in an airtight container or plastic bag. It will keep for several weeks.
- Serve with yoghurt or fresh fruit and milk.
- Makes about 6 cups.
Can be stored in the refrigerator.
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